Experiando verwandelt Ihre Wünsche und Ideen in perfekt geplante, massgeschneiderte Reisen. Mit sehr persönlicher Betreuung und umfassender Dienstleistungspalette schaffen wir für anspruchsvolle Kunden unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Wir sind Ihr persönlicher Luxus.

Experiando AG, Haselsteig 1, 8180 Bülach (Switzerland)

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Want to know more about Experiando?
Check out the FAQ or get in touch with us.

What is an Experiando Recommendation?

It is a recommendation about a great place, a cool activity, a very good personal experience that is memorable to you, that you would do again, and one that you would want other like-minded people from the community to enjoy as well.

Can I use your platform on my mobile phone?

Yes, we provide a progressive web application (PWA), which can be used on all devices with any compatible browser. You get the best results with Chrome and Safari. Unfortunately, Microsoft Explorer does not support PMA.

Can I create my own recommendations?

Yes, you can enter as many as you want. You can also use it as your personal travel journal – like that, you won’t forget about the great experiences you made. And who knows, later you might want to send them to a friend.

What is the benefit for putting up recommendations?

Global fame, unprecedented recognition and personal satisfaction. No, seriously, the other people from the community will be very grateful and appreciative to get your valuable tips. And of course, you benefit from other people entering recommendations as well.

Do I have to register to use the Experiando platform?

No, you can use it without registration. But you will only be able to see limited content. We recommend you register, because you can get a lot more value by being able to access the full quality content.

Still got a question?

Please do not hesitate if your question wasn't answered. Just send us a message - we are happy to help you.